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By Michael Jumba
In Interior Design, usually, a client has a rough idea of the final product that they wish to have or implemented based on their tastes and desires. The rough idea is then taken up by an interior designer, who then refines it to the final product. In refining the idea, interior designers often use various principles. Among these principles are Proportion and Scale.
Proportion and scale are important principles to consider in interior design. This is because elements used in any interior design are not arranged anyhowly, but using and established order. To achieve this order, proportion and scale guide the interior designer in arranging the elements of any given project.
Even though always used together interchangeably, proportion and scale are not the same. Proportion is the relationship in size between two or more objects in a room or space. In coming up with the right proportions, interior designers often use the tool golden ratio.
With regards to scale, it is the size of one object in relation to another. In this relation, usually, the size of at least one of the objects is known with certainty. In this case, scale in interior design is in relation to the standard human body height, shape, and weight. That is to say, every element in a project should be designed to fit the average person.
Further, when it comes to proportion, there are five dimensions they are: colour proportion, proportions in shape, proportions of space, proportions of light and texture proportions.
[Keep checking out this site for more on the 5 dimensions of proportion…]
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